West Side


I edited about half of the strip from the original submission. I wasn't happy with the first one which was done in a hurry because of a lot of problems with the computer I was using to edit the stuff. I was flustered with the outcome of a lot of the strips I did during this time. That time I had to go to one of my friends' house and use his computer so I could submit these on time. Now that I got my own PC I could now relax and do some surgery on those previous strips. One of the more interesting facts about this was that at the time I didn't have a clue about the schedules of the Oktoberfest happening around the metro, coincidentally there was an event the same day as the Komikon, on the venue mentioned in this strip which I only found out yesterday! Cool.

* This strip was published Oct 11, 2006.


I've been watching a lot of Scrubs episodes lately, courtesy of my sister who bought her copy in Metrowalk. I forgot how much I liked that show after neglecting it for quite some time. One character that stands out from the rest in terms of complete obnoxiousness is Dr. Perry Cox (played by John C. McGinley). He's the one person you'd really love to hate and hate to love at the same time because of his drawn out but well thought of sarcasm that he constantly dishes towards those that stand in his way. I thought that would a great character to emulate and study when it comes to fleshing out more of BJ's character.

* This strip was published Oct 04, 2006.

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