Here's the last strip for the 2006 set. Yaaaaayyyy!!! Here's something I stumbled on yesterday while looking for references for the background (I mistakenly thought I lost the pictures I took after the firecrackers and the celebration died down around these parts). Interesting thoughts on how we celebrate the New Year, really:"It is the loudest in the world but the most dangerous since anyone can buy the most extreme firecrackers. It is an exciting event in the Philippines that you won't want to miss." ~ Best and Worst New Year is in the Philippines!!! By A Yahoo! Contributer, 11/04/06
Hehehe... No truer words were ever spoken.
* This strip was published Dec. 27, 2006.
I was originally supposed to redraw Jay (back figure in panels 3 & 4) from the original strip but as I looked over it again I thought it better to redo the whole thing as well. I wasn't really in a drawing mood at the time. I've got one more strip after this before we cap off the ones for 2006. I won't be doing major repairs for the last one so I think it fair to say we wouldn't have to wait a long time for that.
* The original version of this strip was published Dec. 20, 2006.