West Side


I'm starting a new story this month focusing entirely on Ben Sr. and speed dating. Read on if you're not sure what this is about:
The rules of speed dating are quite simple. A group of singles gathers at a cafe or similar venue. Armed with a nametag, a scorecard and their sparkling personality, couples are paired up to begin their first date. They are allowed to discuss anything, except their careers, or where the live.

Following seven minutes of conversation, a bell is rung, and the men move on to meet their next date. Think of it as a flirt's version of musical chairs.

Following each date, participants mark on a card whether they would have an interest in meeting their date again. If a mutual interest is noted, speed-dating organizers provide each party with the other's phone number.
It's definitely easier than picking up strangers in a bar and safer than being set up in a blind date. At least you know what your potential date looks like and you get to chat with them to see if you two share something common. Sounds good? It costs more or less P3,000 /session around these parts. By the by, did anyone notice the last time these couple, Henry and Debbie, came out was in last year's Thanksgiving storyline around November?

* This strip was published August 31, 2005.


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